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- 0. Oogenesis and the menstrual cycle
- 1,5. The second week of development
- 1. Basic mechanisms of drug actions (examples of drug effects on receptors, ion channels, enzymes, carrier systems and effects mediated by physicochemical interactions)
- 1. Developmental malformations of the face. Inflammatory and tumorous diseases of the oral cavity
- 1. Disorders of chewing, swallowing and esophagus functions – the gastro-esophageal reflux disease.
- 1. Esophageal diverticulum
- 1. From the ovulation until the implantation
- 1. History and objectives of public health
- 1. Importance of non-communicable diseases in developed countries (mortality, morbidity, trends)
- 1. Introduction to immunology
- 1. Membrane potential and action potential. Explain their ionic mechanisms. Membrane properties of CNS neurons
- 1. Metabolic division of labour among organs
- 1. Normal and postmortal pancreas
- 1. Obstetrical brachial plexus injuries
- 1. Pentose phosphate pathway
- 1. Pleiomorphic adenoma
- 1. Postmortem emphysema of the liver
- 1. Pure tone audiometry, speech audiometry
- 1. Purpose of laboratory test requests (screening, diagnosis, differential-diagnosis, validation, monitoring).
- 1. Role of nutrition in prevention of cardiovascular diseases
- 1. The basic principles of tumor biology
- 1. The fundamentals of X-ray imaging. X-ray equipments. Radiation protection.
- 1. The objectives of pathology. Autopsy and surgical pathology. Pathology as a subject
- 10. Aortic atherosclerosis with aneurysm
- 10. Bowel obstruction (ileus)
- 10. Development of the respiratory system. Malformations
- 10. Diseases of the appendix and the peritoneum
- 10. Epidemiology of obesity
- 10. Genetic disorders of hemoglobin
- 10. Haemosiderosis of liver
- 10. Health concerns of elderly. Aging societies
- 10. Histochemical characteristics of the different pigments. Exogenous pigments
- 10. Imaging of ischemic heart diseases and cardiac valve diseases.
- 10. Knee effusion, popliteal cysts
- 10. Laboratory approaches for the detection of disorders in calcium, magnesium and phosphate homeostasis
- 10. Pathophysiology of the lymphatic circulation
- 10. Pharmacokinetics: zero and first order elimination kinetics, elimination half-life, volume of distribution, clearance, maintenance dose, loading dose, oral bioavailability
- 10. Rapidly progressive GN with crescents
- 10. Regulation and disorders of lipid metabolism
- 10. Role of infectious diseases in tumour development
- 10. T-cell activation and peripheral T-cell differentiation
- 10. Trauma of the temporal bone (longitudinal, transverse fractures)
- 105. Basic principles of ecology. Human environment, human ecology.
- 106. Health effects of interiors, health and the built environment
- 107. Environmental monitoring and protection. Health effects of global environmental issues
- 108. Air pollutants and their health effects
- 109. Health effects of microbiological and chemical water pollutants, water quality testing
- 10A. Acute meningitis
- 10B. Intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH)
- 10 – Complications of joint replacement and revision arthroplasty
- 11. Amino acid metabolism; the fate of the amino group
- 11. Anthracosis of lymph node
- 11. Biochemistry of blood vessels
- 11. Clinical biochemistry of osteoporosis. Laboratory tests to assess joint and bone disorders.
- 11. Describe the body fluid compartments and explain the methods used for measurement of body fluid volumes
- 11. Dietary supplements and functional foods
- 11. Diseases of the aorta. Imaging methods, the role of CT and MRI.
- 11. Drug formulations. Prescription writing
- 11. Extrafollicular and germinal centre reactions
- 11. Formation and derivatives of the heart tube. Partitioning of the cardiac chambers. Malformations
- 11. Haemochromatosis
- 11. Hemoglobinogenic pigments I. Causes and forms of jaundice
- 11. Hepatic lesions caused by circulatory disorders. Nonviral inflammatory diseases of the liver. Drug hepatopathies
- 11. Hyalinised glomeruli
- 11. Linitis plastica and Krukenberg tumor
- 11. Minorities: Health issues and disparities
- 11. Obstipation, subileus, diverticulosis. GIT motility disorders
- 11. Oncologic emergencies
- 11. Otosclerosis, tympanosclerosis
- 11. Risk factors of malignant diseases
- 11. Vasovagal syncope
- 110. Health effects of soil contamination. Health effects and management of wastewater, wastes and hazardous wastes
- 111. Risk assessment, management, and communication
- 112. Occupational toxicology, chemical safety
- 113. Occupational cancers
- 114. Physical hazards: health effects of low and high temperature
- 115. Physical hazards: disorders caused by noise and vibration and their prevention
- 116. Chemical hazards: Industrial and agricultural toxicology of organic compounds
- 117. Chemical hazards: Industrial and agricultural toxicology of inorganic compounds
- 118. Psychosocial and biological hazards in the workplace
- 119. Health effects of ionizing and non-ionizing radiations
- 11A. Types of epilepsy (+ epileptic seizures and PNES)
- 11B. Potentially reversible dementias
- 11 – Adult foot deformities + static disorders of the foot
- 12. Acute pancreatitis. Pathophysiology and consequences
- 12. Acute viral hepatitis (aetiology, pathomorphology, complicated forms)
- 12. Amyloidosis of the liver
- 12. B-cell affinity maturation and isotype switching
- 12. Chronic osteomyelitis (Garre, Brodie’s abscess)
- 12. Definition and classification of circulatory shock. Pathophysiology of development, phases and characteristics of microcirculation
- 12. Describe the major plasma proteins and the other non-electrolytic constituents of blood and explain their function in the body
- 12. Development of the kidney and the urinary tract. Malformations
- 12. Drug research and development
- 12. Echinococcus cysts in the liver
- 12. Fluid systems of the labyrinth, Meniere’s disease, toxic lesions of the inner ear
- 12. Food additives
- 12. Health issues and disparities of people living with disabilities
- 12. Hemoglobinogenic pigments II. Pathological forms of iron storage
- 12. Imaging in acute abdomen.
- 12. Kimmelstiel Wilson syndrome
- 12. Laboratory analysis of plasma proteins
- 12. Palliative care
- 12. Proteins in blood and blood clotting
- 12. Screening of malignant diseases
- 12. Systemic amyloidosis
- 12. Urea cycle and ammonium metabolism
- 120. Ergonomic factors. Health effects of inorganic and organic dusts and their prevention
- 121. New and emerging risks in occupational medicine. Occupational diseases of health care workers and prevention. Occupational accidents.
- 122. Migration and catastrophes, medical and occupational health considerations
- 12A. Encephalitis
- 12B. Primary prevention of stroke
- 12 – Acute injuries and degenerative diseases of the knee joint
- 13. Acoustic tumours, noise induced hearing losses
- 13. Amino acid metabolism; the fate of the carbon skeleton
- 13. Calcification in breast cancer (Kossa reaction)
- 13. Cholelithiasis, chronic cholecystitis and empyema
- 13. Cholinergic agonists and cholinesterase inhibitors
- 13. Chronic viral hepatitis (aetiology, types), pathomorphology and differential diagnostics, detection of virus associated antigens and their significance)
- 13. Clear cell carcinoma of the kidney
- 13. Describe the intra- and extracellular ionic components and explain their physiological functions
- 13. Development of the female genital organs. Malformations
- 13. Effector functions of antibodies
- 13. Endogenous non-hemoglobinogenic pigments. Lipofuscin, melanin, homogentizic acid
- 13. Epidemiology and prevention of lung cancer
- 13. Evidence-based medicine and prevention
- 13. Food safety, food safety testing
- 13. Hypovolemic shock: Causes and hemodynamics
- 13. Imaging of the esophagus, stomach and small bowels. Methods, indications, imaging strategy.
- 13. Laboratory analysis of plasma enzymes
- 13. Macronodular (postnecrotic) cirrhosis
- 13. Molecular mechanisms of blood pressure regulation
- 13. Pathophysiology of chronic pancreatitis
- 13. Tumors of head and neck
- 13A. Ischias syndrome and cervicobrachialgia (symptoms, warning signs)
- 13B. Clinical features of multiple sclerosis
- 13 – Low back pain
- 14. Cardiogenic shock: Causes and hemodynamics
- 14. Chemoprevention
- 14. Cirrhosis and hepatic failure (+ alcoholic and fatty liver disease)
- 14. Complement system
- 14. Development of the male genital organs. Malformations
- 14. Disorders of intermediary metabolism in general liver cell damage
- 14. Disturbances of non-immunoglobulin plasma proteins
- 14. Dystrophic and metastatic calcification. Organ manifestations
- 14. Epidemiology and prevention of colorectal cancer
- 14. Focal nodular hyperplasia
- 14. Gaucher’s disease
- 14. History and objectives of epidemiology
- 14. Imaging of the colon. Inflammatory diseases of the colon. Diverticulosis. Colon tumors.
- 14. Lung cancer
- 14. Molecular mechanisms of cardiovascular damages
- 14. Muscarinic receptor antagonists
- 14. Synthesis of non-essential amino acids
- 14. Table of frequent bilestones
- 14. The structure, function and origin of erythrocytes
- 14. Tinnitus
- 14. Urothelial carcinoma of the renal pelvis
- 14A. Motor neuron diseases
- 14B. Diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (+ treatment)
- 15. Breast Cancer
- 15. Causation in epidemiology: association and causation
- 15. Characterize the various leukocytes indicating their origins and functions
- 15. Cochlear implantation
- 15. Disorders of immunoglobulins and paraproteins
- 15. Distributive shock: Causes and hemodynamics
- 15. Effector mechanisms of cell-mediated immune response
- 15. Enzymopathies of amino acid metabolism
- 15. Epidemiology and prevention of breast cancer
- 15. Formation of the fetal membranes and the placenta. Fetal circulation
- 15. Genetically modified organisms
- 15. Hepatocellular carcinoma
- 15. Imaging of the liver and the hepatobiliary system. Imaging techniques, indications, information content.
- 15. Jaundice
- 15. Neuromuscular blocking agents
- 15. Nodular calcified aortic stenosis
- 15. Normal and hypertrophic cardiac muscle
- 15. Pathomechanism and clinicopathological forms of stone formation
- 15. Sensation
- 15. Toxoplasma lymphadenitis
- 15. Tumours and tumourlike conditions of the liver
- 15A. Trigeminal neuralgia
- 15B. Neuromyelitis optica (Devic-disease)
- 16. Agents acting on the biosynthesis, storage, release and elimination of catecholamines
- 16. Assessment of acute phase proteins, diagnosis and monitoring of sepsis
- 16. Cancer of the oesophagus and the stomach
- 16. Cerebral atrophy
- 16. Cholelithiasis (aetiology and complications) and pathology of the extrahepatic biliary tract
- 16. Cirrhosis. Causes, mechanisms and consequences. Hepatic cachexia.
- 16. Epidemiological indicators I: indicators of disease frequency and population impact of a disease
- 16. Epidemiology and prevention of prostate and cervix cancer
- 16. Follicular lymphoma
- 16. General characterisation of amyloidosis. Physico-chemical, ultrastructural and histochemical nature of amyloid. Types of amyloid
- 16. Imaging of the pancreas and the spleen. Imaging techniques, indications, information content.
- 16. Interaction of environmental and genetical factors in disease development
- 16. Nervous system I
- 16. Neurulation. The structure of the neural tube. Development of the spinal cord
- 16. Organ manifestations of shock
- 16. Origin and function of blood platelets
- 16. Prostatic hyperplasia
- 16. Sleep apnoea
- 16. Synthesis of biologically active molecules from amino acids
- 16. T-helper cell mediated macrophage activation, delayed type hypersensitivity
- 16A. Clinical symptoms of insufficient blood supply in territory of carotid and vertebral artery (+ the anterior circulation)
- 16B. Differential diagnosis of short-term loss of consciousness
- 17. Acute and chronic pancreatitis. Tumours of the pancreas
- 17. Adenocarcinoma of the gall bladder with multiple liver metastases
- 17. Adrenergic receptor agonists
- 17. Benign and malignant tumours of the paranasal sinuses
- 17. CLL or SLL infiltration in lymph node
- 17. Cancer of the pancreas and the liver
- 17. Concentric hypertrophy of the left ventricle of the heart
- 17. Development of the brainstem and the cerebellum
- 17. Epidemiological indicators II: definition and measures of relative risk and odds ratio
- 17. Epidemiology and prevention of liver-, pancreas- and gastric cancer
- 17. Genomics and epigenetics in public health. Nutrigenomics
- 17. Glandular cystic hyperplasia of the endometrium
- 17. Imaging of the urinary system. Indications, diagnostic strategy. Renal inflammatory diseases, nephrolithiasis.
- 17. Immunological memory, primary and secondary immune response
- 17. Laboratory findings in inflammatory disorders
- 17. Nervous system II
- 17. Nucleotide synthesis and degradation
- 17. Pathology of obesity and diabetes
- 17. Portal hypertension
- 17. The basic structure and metabolism of haemoglobin and the metabolism of iron
- 17. Tissue hypoxia, ischemia, reperfusion and tissue metabolism
- 17A. Types and etiology of unconsciousness. Coma
- 17B. Status epilepticus
- 18. Adrenergic receptor antagonists (alpha blockers and beta blockers)
- 18. Ascites and hepatorenal syndrome
- 18. Causes of atrophy; general gross morphology and microscopical characteristics. Pathomechanism of atrophy. Hypoplasia, aplasia, agenesia. Osteoporosis.
- 18. Colorectal cancer
- 18. Describe the two pathways involved in the initiation of blood coagulation
- 18. Development of the diencephalon and the telencephalon. Development of the commissural pathways and the fornix
- 18. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL)
- 18. Dilatative hypertrophy of the left ventricle of the heart
- 18. Epidemiology and prevention of head and neck cancers and skin cancers
- 18. Genes and chromosomes
- 18. Laboratory diagnosis of malignant hematologic disorders; complete blood count and flow cytometry
- 18. Molecular basics of carcinogenesis
- 18. Nervous system III
- 18. Obstruction of the nasal airway, rhinitis (forms of rhinitis, except allergic rhinitis)
- 18. Onco-uroradiology: Adrenal and renal masses. Masses of the urinary bladder, the prostate and the testis. Imaging techniques and strategy.
- 18. Pancreatic carcinoma
- 18. Pathogenesis of coronary insufficiency. Risk factors
- 18. Pulmonary oedema
- 18. Renal failure, uraemia. Congenital malformations and cystic diseases of the kidney
- 18. Standardization
- 18. Suppression of the immune response
- 18A. Migraine and other primary headaches
- 18B. Types of disturbances of urinary bladder innervation
- 19. Allergic rhinitis
- 19. Chronic cor pulmonale
- 19. Congenital torticollis (wry neck)
- 19. DNA replication
- 19. Definition, types and organ examples of hyperplasia
- 19. Epidemiological studies: parameters, design
- 19. Epidemiology and prevention of diabetes
- 19. Glomerulonephritis. Classification according to clinical symptoms. Histologic alterations in glomerulonephritides.
- 19. Hepatic coma
- 19. Hodgkin lymphoma
- 19. Imaging of the arterial system and arterial diseases. Methods of angiography. Indications and complications.
- 19. Laboratory diagnostic approaches in anaemias.
- 19. Non-melanoma skin cancer
- 19. Pathomechanism and consequences of acute myocardial infarction
- 19. Pharmacology of protein and peptide mediators, the purinergic system and nitric oxide
- 19. Polycystic kidney (infantile sponge kidney)
- 19. Primary and secondary factors of epidemic process (virulence, source of infection, means of transmission, susceptible host)
- 19. Systemic and local immunity
- 19. The placodes, the neural crest and their derivatives. Development of the peripheral nervous system
- 19. Thrombus and postmortem blood clot
- 19. pH regulation
- 19A. Traumatic brain injuries
- 19B. Herpes infection, postherpetic neuralgia
- 1A. The most common types of myopathies and myositis
- 1B. Accidental (provoked) seizures
- 1 – Introduction, gait cycle, symptoms in orthopaedic disorders
- 2. Anaemic infarct of the heart
- 2. Apoptosis in a reactive lymph node (follicular hyperplasia)
- 2. Biochemistry of digestion
- 2. Cardiovascular adaptation in health and disease
- 2. Characterisation of agonist-receptor interaction. Occupancy, affinity, dose-response curve, potency, efficacy
- 2. Definition of health and disease
- 2. Disorders of gastric filling and emptying
- 2. Epidemiology of ischaemic heart disease
- 2. Esophageal carcinoma
- 2. Formation of the trilaminar germ disk and the folding
- 2. Gluconeogenesis
- 2. Helicobacter pylori infection (Warthin-Starry)
- 2. Molecular components of the immune systems
- 2. Otoacoustic emissions, brainstem evoked response audiometry
- 2. Pathology of the salivary glands
- 2. Patient preparation before sampling. Proper method to carry out blood (venous, capillary) and urine collection. Type of tubes.
- 2. Postmortal changes. Cell injury and cell death. Causes of cell injury
- 2. Principles of surgical oncology
- 2. Role of nutrition in prevention of cancers
- 2. The compound action potential. Conductive properties of various nerve fibers
- 2. The fundamentals of CT and MRI imaging, examination methods.
- 20. CML-CP smear
- 20. Calcium channel blockers
- 20. DIC (fibrinthrombi in kidney) (fibrin stain)
- 20. DNA repair
- 20. Definition of hypertrophy and characteristics
- 20. Descriptive epidemiological studies, cross-sectional studies
- 20. Development of the visual system
- 20. Epidemiology and prevention of osteoporosis
- 20. Fractures of the paranasal sinuses. Fronto-basal, maxillo-facial, blow-out fractures, Le Fort fractures
- 20. Haemoglobinopathies: disorders of the porphyrin metabolism.
- 20. Hypersensitivity
- 20. Imaging of the venous and lymphatic system and their diseases. Deep vein thrombosis.
- 20. Mechanisms and consequences of chronic ischemic heart disease
- 20. Melanoma
- 20. Molecular events associated with diabetes
- 20. Nephrosis syndrome: minimal change, membranous glomerulonephritis, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis.
- 20. Nosocomial infections. Sterilization, disinfection
- 20. Pathophysiology of alcohol effects
- 20. Polycystic kidney (adult type)
- 20. Prostatic hyperplasia
- 20A. Traumatic spinal cord injuries
- 20B. Alzheimer disease
- 21. Acute and chronic rhinosinusitis
- 21. Central haemorrhagic necrosis
- 21. Cerebral apoplexy
- 21. Development of the acoustic and vestibular system
- 21. Drugs acting on the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
- 21. Ecological studies. Immigrant studies
- 21. Epidemiology and prevention of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- 21. Gastroenterological changes in the elderly
- 21. Imaging of musculoskeletal trauma (bones and soft tissue). Radiologic signs of fracture healing. Terminology.
- 21. Immunological tolerance
- 21. Infectious diseases worldwide
- 21. Laboratory findings in the disorders of iron metabolism.
- 21. Left ventricular hypertrophy. Causes, sequential compensatory changes and functional consequences
- 21. Molecular mechanisms of glucose uptake
- 21. Nephritic syndrome (acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis). Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis. Diabetic nephropathy.
- 21. Oligodendroglioma
- 21. Pyelonephritis abscedens. Necrosis of papilla
- 21. RNA metabolism
- 21. Regulation of H+ ion concentration in the blood
- 21. Regulation of cerebral circulation in health and disease
- 21A. Meningiomas
- 21B. Neurological disorders related to alcoholism
- 22. A-B-0 blood groups. The Rh blood types
- 22. Blood coagulation: cellular components (platelets, endothelial cells) and their laboratory analysis.
- 22. Case-control studies
- 22. Cerebral hypoxia, ischaemia, stroke