18. Obstruction of the nasal airway, rhinitis (forms of rhinitis, except allergic rhinitis)

From greek.doctor
  • Nasal airway obstruction
    • Clinical features
      • Difficulty in nasal breathing, eating, sleeping
      • Nasal congestion
      • Headache
      • Epistaxis
    • Differential diagnosis
      • Acute rhinitis
      • Chronic rhinitis
      • Rhinosinusitis
      • Deviated septum
      • Septal perforation
      • Adenoids (pharyngeal tonsil hyperplasia)
      • Turbinate hyperplasia
      • Nasal polyp
      • Tumours of nose, paranasal sinuses
      • Foreign bodies
      • Nasal decongestant abuse (= Rhinitis medicamentosa)
        • Rebound nasal congestion due to nasal decongestant withdrawal

  • Acute rhinitis (common cold)
    • Etiology
      • Rhinovirus
      • Coronavirus
      • Influenzavirus
      • Adenovirus
    • Droplet infection
    • Risk factors
      • Cold exposure
    • Clinical features
      • Initial dry stage
        • Malaise
        • Headache
        • Fever
      • Catarrhal stage
        • Watery, serous rhinorrhoea
        • Nasal obstruction due to swelling
      • (Bacterial superinfection)
        • Mucopurulent rhinorrhoea
    • Treatment
      • Nasal decongestants
      • Steam inhalation

  • Chronic rhinitis
    • Non-specific
      • Etiology
        • Recurrent acute rhinitis with progressive mucosal damage
        • Septal deviation
        • Septal spur
        • Nasal polyps
        • Nasal cavity tumours
      • Clinical features
        • Nasal obstruction
        • Mucous nasal discharge
        • Hoarseness
      • Treatment
        • Remove offending irritant
        • Surgically correct pathology
        • Nasal decongestants (temporary benefit)
    • Specific
      • Tuberculosis
      • Sarcoidosis
      • Actinomycosis
      • Syphilis
      • Aspergillosis