107. Environmental monitoring and protection. Health effects of global environmental issues

From greek.doctor
  • (This topic is slightly different since the 2021 spring topic list. See the ph6 page.)
  • Environmental monitoring
    • Air sampling
    • Soil sampling
    • Water quality monitoring
    • Microbiological monitoring
    • Measurement of noise
    • Measurement of radiation
  • Environmental protection
    • Waste management
    • Ensure sustainable use of resources without degrading environment
    • Prevent and control degradation of environment
    • Promote international cooperation
    • Use eco-friendly resources
    • Decrease pollution
  • Health effects of global environmental issues
    • Global climate change
      • Extreme heat
      • More natural disasters
      • Increased sea levels
      • Altered patterns of vector-borne disease, like malaria
      • More variable rainfall patterns
      • Increased air pollution
    • The ozone layer
      • A layer of ozone in the upper atmosphere
      • It absorbs 99% of the sun’s UVC and UVB
      • Damaged by NOx, CFC11, CFC12
      • A large movement to ban ozone-damaging gases in 1970s – 1980s halted and reversed the “ozone hole”
    • Biodiversity loss
      • Causes decline in the ecosystem
    • Freshwater contamination
      • Freshwater is threatened by pollution, increased consumption, deforestation, and climate change
      • Increases risk of water-borne diseases, lack of clean water, etc.
    • Land degradation
      • Due to climate change, pollution, etc.
      • Increases risk of malnutrition, water and food-borne diseases, lack of clean water, etc.