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2. Epidemiology of ischaemic heart disease
- Leading cause of death in US and the world
- Higher risk in men than women
- Rising tendency in developing countries
- Accounts for nearly 30% of all disability cases
- Especially affects middle aged population
- Proposed theories
- Lipid theory
- Decreasing blood cholesterol decreases IHD
- Oxidized LDL enters vessel wall
- Blood coagulation theory
- Increased coagulation tendency
- Evidence:
- Increased plasma fibrinogen
- Increased thromboxane A2/prostaglandin ratio
- Increased lipoprotein(a) (inhibits fibrinolysis)
- Blood vessel wall theory
- Collagen increases, elastic fibres decrease
- Increases microthrombi formation and lipid infiltration
- Pathomechanism of atherosclerosis
- Endothelial dysfunction
- HT
- Smoking
- Diabetes
- High LDL
- Aging
- Leukocyte migration into tunica intima
- Proliferation of smooth muscle cells in tunica intima
- Oxidized LDL accumulates, macrophages transform into foam cells
- Foam cells and smooth muscle cells produce collagen -> forms fibrous plaque
- Inflammation in fibrous plaque weakens the fibrous cap
- Plaque ruptures, exposing thrombogenic material