11. Risk factors of malignant diseases

From greek.doctor
  • Preventable causes of cancer
    • Poor diet is the most common cause of cancer
    • 30% of cancers due to high BMI, low fruit and vegetable intake, lack of physical activity, tobacco use, alcohol use
    • Diet
      • Fat intake -> breast cancer
      • Salt intake -> stomach, CRC
      • Spicy food intake -> not a risk factor, may even be protective for gastric and oesophageal cancer
      • Omega-6 intake -> prostate cancer
    • Tobacco
      • Responsible for 22% of cancer deaths
      • Initiator
      • DNA adduct
      • 2nd hand smoke
        • Sidestream smoke – doesn’t pass through filter
        • Mainstream smoke – exhaled smoke
    • Infections
      • 25% of cancers in low and middle-income countries
      • H. pylori
      • HPV
      • HBV
      • HCV
      • EBV
      • HIV
      • HSV
    • Sexual behaviour
    • Inactivity
    • Occupation
      • Asbestos
      • Chimney sweeper
    • Alcohol
      • Cirrhosis
      • Oral, oesophagus, stomach
  • Non-preventable risk factors
    • Family history
    • Aging
    • Gender
    • Ethnicity