11. Minorities: Health issues and disparities

From greek.doctor
  • Unemployed persons
    • 8 – 9% in Hungary
    • Stages of unemployment
      • 1 – sense of relief
      • 2 – unsuccessful in seeking work
      • 3 – gives up hope of finding work
      • 4 – crumbling life
    • Consequences
      • Hypertension
      • Increased risk for poor habits
      • Stress
      • Depression
      • Suicide
  • People in poverty
    • Subsistence level of poverty – barely enough money to exist
      • Increased risk of infectious disease, STD, malnutrition
    • Social minimum level of poverty – money only for the basics
      • Increased risk of cardiovascular disease, mental disorder
  • Homeless persons
    • Causes
      • Family problems
      • Poverty
      • Unemployment
      • Prison release
    • Steps in becoming homeless
      • Losing connection with home
      • Newly formed homelessness
      • Chronic homelessness
    • 80% men
    • Consequences
      • Alcohol
      • Street accidents
      • Violence
      • Death by freezing
      • Infectious diseases
  • Refugees
    • Usually have poorer health than the country they migrate to
    • Malnutrition, infectious disease, disability, mental disorders are frequent
    • Insufficient vaccinations, pregnancy and infant care
  • Ethnic minorities
    • Examples
      • Roma people
      • African Americans
      • Sami/Lapp people
    • Usually have low level of education and low socioeconomic status
    • Often have poor living conditions
      • This increases risk for infections
    • Higher risk for infant, child, and maternal mortality
    • Higher risk for alcoholism, infections
  • Prevention of morbidity and mortality of minorities
    • Mainly a problem of health politics
    • Health care must be equipped to deal with these populations