109. Health effects of microbiological and chemical water pollutants, water quality testing

From greek.doctor
  • Natural ingredients of water
    • Iodine, fluoride, calcium, magnesium, sodium, etc.
    • The calcium and magnesium content of water determines its hardness
      • Hardness should be around 5 – 35 degrees
    • High sodium intake increases risk for hypertension
    • Fluoride in water
      • Protects against dental caries
      • Too high level gives dental fluorosis, fragile bones
      • Level should be 0,7 – 1,2 mg/L
      • Fluoridation of drinking water may be necessary to reach optimal level
  • Chemical water pollutants
    • Toxins from algae
    • Pesticides (mercury or chloroorganic)
      • Minamata disease – due to organic mercury
        • Causes neurological symptoms
    • Fertilizers (nitrate)
      • Nitrate toxicity can lead to methaemoglobinaemia / blue baby syndrome
        • Especially in infants and those with methaemoglobin reductase deficiency
      • Nitrate inhibits iodide uptake -> endemic goiter
      • Prevention: addition of methylene blue to the water
    • Arsenic
    • Oil
    • PAHs
    • Detergents
  • Microbiological water pollutants
    • Bacterial
      • Campylobacter jejuni, campylobacter coli
      • Pathogenic e. coli
      • Salmonella typhi
      • Shigella spp, yersinia enterocolitica
      • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
      • Legionella pneumophila
    • Viruses
      • Adenovirus
      • Enterovirus
      • Hepatitis A
      • Norovirus
      • Rotavirus
    • Protozoa
      • Entamoeba histolytica
      • Giardia lamblia
    • Worms
      • Dracunculus medinensis
    • Water-born outbreaks
      • Legionella is the major cause of water-born outbreaks
      • Criteria
        • Many cases at the same time in one distribution area
        • Pathogens detectable in water or biological sample
        • No new cases after closing the distribution system
        • No new cases after disinfection
  • Water quality testing
    • Dissolved oxygen
    • pH
    • Nitrates
    • Total dissolved solids
    • Hardness
    • Faecal coliform bacteria
      • These are not pathogens, but they indicate the presence of other pathogens
      • They are so-called indicator organisms
    • Phosphorous