Category:Public health 4 - Preventive medicine
I wrote these notes for my public health final. The PH4 topics for the final are more or less the same as the topics for the PH2 exam itself, but there may be slight differences. Check the topic lists.
Before you begin, keep one thing in mind: They will fail you instantly if you don’t know the FULL name of the organism which causes the infectious disease. People have failed because they’d forgotten what the “E” in E. Coli stands for, and for forgetting the name of the organism which causes cholera. Make sure you know all organism names in full.
I also failed my first chance in PH6 because I didn't know the clinical features of diphtheria and pertussis infections well enough. So learn the clinical features as well.
Pages in category "Public health 4 - Preventive medicine"
The following 38 pages are in this category, out of 38 total.
- 1. Role of nutrition in prevention of cardiovascular diseases
- 2. Role of nutrition in prevention of cancers
- 3. Principles of healthy diet
- 4. Epidemiology of malnutrition and nutritional deficiencies
- 5. Dietary guidelines
- 6. Special nutritional considerations: vegetarianism
- 7. Special nutritional considerations: Mediterranean diet, DASH- (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet
- 8. Special nutritional considerations: trendy diets
- 9. Assessment of nutritional status, nutritional screening
- 10. Epidemiology of obesity
- 11. Dietary supplements and functional foods
- 12. Food additives
- 13. Food safety, food safety testing
- 14. Chemoprevention
- 15. Genetically modified organisms
- 16. Interaction of environmental and genetical factors in disease development
- 17. Genomics and epigenetics in public health. Nutrigenomics
- 18. Molecular basics of carcinogenesis
- 19. Primary and secondary factors of epidemic process (virulence, source of infection, means of transmission, susceptible host)
- 20. Nosocomial infections. Sterilization, disinfection
- 21. Infectious diseases worldwide
- 22. Prevention of infectious diseases: vaccination, chemoprophylaxis
- 23. Epidemiology and prevention of vaccine-preventable diseases, mandatory immunisation for children
- 24. Epidemiology and prevention of airborne bacterial infections
- 25. Epidemiology and prevention of airborne viral infections
- 26. Characteristics, types, occurrence and prevention of enteric infections
- 27. Epidemiology and prevention of enteric bacterial infections
- 28. Epidemiology and prevention of enteric viral infections
- 29. Epidemiology and prevention of enteric helminth and protozoon infections
- 30. Epidemiology and prevention of viral hepatitides
- 31. Epidemiology and prevention of haematogenic and lymphogenic infections
- 32. Epidemiology and prevention of infections transmitted through the skin
- 33. Epidemiology and prevention of zoonotic helminth and bacterial infections
- 34. Epidemiology and prevention of zoonotic protozoon and viral infections
- 35. Epidemiology and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (excluding AIDS)
- 36. Epidemiology and prevention of AIDS
- 37. Epidemiology and prevention of prion diseases
- 38. New infectious diseases. Bioterrorism