23. Epidemiology and prevention of vaccine-preventable diseases, mandatory immunisation for children

Dr. Katalin Szendi said in the seminar that you don’t have to learn the vaccination program for Hungary – you can learn the one for your home country. They’re all mostly similar anyway.

Epidemiology of vaccine-preventable diseases

  • Immunization prevents 2 – 3 million deaths every year
  • An additional 1,5 million deaths could be prevented by additional immunization
  • 20 million infants worldwide are missing out on basic vaccines
Vaccination program for Norway (as of 2017)

Prevention of vaccine-preventable diseases

  • Surveillance
    • Observing, predicting, and minimizing outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics
  • 3 steps for improving worldwide immunization
    • Integrating immunization with other health services, like postnatal care
    • Strengthening health system so that vaccines continue to be given even in times of crisis
    • Ensuring that everyone has access to and can afford vaccines
Age Vaccination against
Infancy (only for children with parents from high-risk countries) Tuberculosis (BCG)
6 weeks Rotavirus
3 months Rotavirus

Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliomyelitis, Haemophilus influenzae-type B- and hepatitis B (DTP-IPV-Hib-Hep B)

Pneumococcus (PCV)

5 months DTP-IPV-Hib-Hep B and PCV
12 months DTP-IPV-Hib-Hep B and PCV
15 months Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
7 years DTP-IPV
11 years MMR
12 years Human papillomavirus (HPV), 2 doses
15 years dTP-IPV