38. New infectious diseases. Bioterrorism

From greek.doctor
  • New infectious diseases
    • COVID-19
    • H1N1 influenza
      • Caused 1918 pandemic (Spanish flu) and 2009 pandemic (swine flu)
    • SARS
    • Zika virus
    • Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis
  • Bioterrorism
    • = the use of microorganisms or their products to cause harms
    • Characteristics of bioterrorism agents which make them appealing to terrorists
      • Inexpensive
      • Readily available
      • Easy to produce in quantity
      • Can be transmitted between humans
      • Hard to treat
    • Potential bioterrorism agents are classified into categories, based on their risk
    • Category A – highest risk
      • Easily disseminated and transmitted
      • Has high mortality rates
      • Difficult to treat
      • Difficult to prepare against
      • Examples
        • Tularaemia
        • Anthrax
        • Smallpox
        • Botulism
        • Bubonic plage
        • Viral haemorrhagic fevers
    • Category B – second highest risk
      • Brucellosis
      • Q fever
      • Typhus
      • Viral encephalitis
    • Category C – third highest risk
      • Can be engineered for use in bioterrorism
      • Nipah virus
      • Hantavirus
    • Prevention
      • National preparedness
      • Limit availability of possible bioterrorism agents