31. Epidemiology and prevention of haematogenic and lymphogenic infections

From greek.doctor

Vector-borne diseases

  • Infections transmitted by the bite of infected arthropods like:
    • Flies
      • Sleeping sickness
    • Mosquitoes
      • Malaria
      • Yellow fever
      • Zika
      • Dengue fever
      • West Nile fever
    • Ticks
      • Lyme disease
      • Tick-borne encephalitis
      • Q fever
      • Tularaemia
    • Lice
    • Fleas
      • The plague
  • The infection can be located inside the vector or outside
  • Arthropods are cold-blooded and are therefore very sensitive to changes in the climate
    • Climate change changes their habitat -> can make areas previously spared from these diseases become affected
  • Prevention
    • Protective clothing
    • Insect repellant
    • Regularly examine the skin for ticks
    • Avoid endemic areas
    • Remove ticks safely
    • Insect nets

Lyme disease

  • Borrelia burgdorferi, afzelii and garinii
  • Epidemiology
    • Endemic in most of Europe, most in central and eastern European countries
  • Transmission
    • By bite of the Ixodes tick
  • Reservoir
    • Many small mammals
    • Ground-feeding birds
  • Symptoms
    • Target-shaped rash (erythema migrans)
    • Myocarditis
    • Neuroborreliosis
    • Lyme arthritis
  • Prevention
    • No vaccine
    • Avoiding tick bites
    • Early removal of attached ticks

Tick-borne encephalitis

  • An arbovirus (= transmitted by arthopod) and a flavivirus (= the genus it belongs to)
  • Epidemiology
    • Endemic in areas of Europe and Asia
    • Most cases occur during the summer
  • Transmission
    • By bite of the Ixodes tick
  • Reservoir
    • Small rodents
  • Clinical features
    • Few infected people get sick
    • Illness is worst in elderly
    • Neurological symptoms, sometimes permanent
  • Prevention
    • Vaccine exists
    • Avoiding tick bites
    • Early removal of attached ticks


  • Parasites of the genus plasmodium
    • Plasmodium falciparum – most severe
    • Plasmodium ovale
    • Plasmodium vivax
  • Epidemiology
    • Most cases are in Africa, especially Nigeria and Congo
    • Major cause of death in developing countries
  • Transmission
    • By mosquitoes (Anopheles species)
    • Entomologic inoculation rate = how many infectious mosquitoes bites per person per year
      • A measure of transmission intensity
      • High if above 50
      • The higher the EIR, the greater the burden of malaria
    • Rarely by blood transfusion, needle sharing, etc.
  • Reservoir
    • No animal reservoir
    • Only lives in humans
  • Risk groups for severe disease
    • Pregnant women
    • Children and infants
    • HIV infected
  • Prevention
    • Chemoprophylaxis:
      • For travellers to malaria endemic countries
      • For high-risk residents of endemic countries
    • Kill mosquitoes
    • Insect nets
    • Clothes that cover the body
    • Mosquito repellent
  • Vaccine
    • Name: RTS,S
    • Very recent (2019)
    • Against plasmodium falciparum

Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF)

  • CCHF virus, a type of nairovirus
  • Endemic in Africa, Balkans, Middle East, Asia
  • Transmission by tick
  • Symptoms
    • Up to 80% lethality
    • Fever
    • Diffuse bleeding
      • Diarrhoea
      • Petechiae

Tick-borne relapsing fever

  • Caused by several spirochaetes
  • Transmission by tick
  • Symptoms
    • Relapsing fever
    • Headache

West Nile virus

  • A flavivirus
  • Epidemiology
    • Originated from Africa, now present worldwide
  • Reservoir
    • Birds
  • Transmission
    • Mosquitoes
  • Symptoms
    • Often asymptomatic
    • Most commonly mild infection flu-like symptoms and rash
    • Rarely meningitis or encephalitis
  • Prevention
    • Protect against mosquito bites

Japanese encephalitis

  • Japanese encephalitis virus
  • Epidemiology
    • Main cause of viral encephalitis in many parts of Asia
  • Reservoir: birds
  • Transmission by mosquitoes
  • Symptoms
    • Often asymptomatic
    • Rarely encephalitis and neurological sequelae
  • Vaccine exists

Zika virus

  • A flavivirus
  • Transmission by mosquito
  • Symptoms
    • Often asymptomatic
    • Congenital zika causes CNS malformations
  • Prevention
    • Protect against bites

Yellow fever

  • Yellow fever virus, a flavivirus
  • Transmission by mosquito
  • Occurs in Sub-Saharan Africa and South America
  • Infants and children are at highest risk
  • Clinical features
    • Most patients experience mild symptoms
    • 15% develop serious disease
      • Haematemesis
      • Bloody diarrhoea
      • Jaundice
      • Organ failure
  • Prevention
    • Vaccine
      • Reccomended for those travelling to or living in areas with yellow fever transmission
    • Protection against mosquito bites

Lymphatic filariasis

  • Also called elephantiasis
  • Filarial parasites transmitted to humans through mosquitoes
  • Causes severe lymphoedema