Category:Public health 6 - Occupational hygiene and occupational medicine
Topics 1 – 104 are public health 1, 2, 4 and 5. Public health 3 itself is not included (just check the topic list) but many of the public health 6 topics are basically the same as public health 3.
Since writing these notes, the public health 6 topic list has changed slightly. Check the topic list before studying.
If you want an additional source for public health-related matters, appears to be a good source.
Pages in category "Public health 6 - Occupational hygiene and occupational medicine"
The following 18 pages are in this category, out of 18 total.
- 105. Basic principles of ecology. Human environment, human ecology.
- 106. Health effects of interiors, health and the built environment
- 107. Environmental monitoring and protection. Health effects of global environmental issues
- 108. Air pollutants and their health effects
- 109. Health effects of microbiological and chemical water pollutants, water quality testing
- 110. Health effects of soil contamination. Health effects and management of wastewater, wastes and hazardous wastes
- 111. Risk assessment, management, and communication
- 112. Occupational toxicology, chemical safety
- 113. Occupational cancers
- 114. Physical hazards: health effects of low and high temperature
- 115. Physical hazards: disorders caused by noise and vibration and their prevention
- 116. Chemical hazards: Industrial and agricultural toxicology of organic compounds
- 117. Chemical hazards: Industrial and agricultural toxicology of inorganic compounds
- 118. Psychosocial and biological hazards in the workplace
- 119. Health effects of ionizing and non-ionizing radiations
- 120. Ergonomic factors. Health effects of inorganic and organic dusts and their prevention
- 121. New and emerging risks in occupational medicine. Occupational diseases of health care workers and prevention. Occupational accidents.
- 122. Migration and catastrophes, medical and occupational health considerations