Meniere disease

  • Meniere disease (idiopathic endolymphatic hydrops)
    • Impaired resorption of endolymph causes accumulation
    • Epidemiology
      • Females
      • Older adults
    • Clinical features
      • Meniere triad
        • Episodes lasting from minutes to hours
        • 3 yes 1 no
        • Yes: Sensorineural HL
        • Yes: Repeated attacks of vertigo
        • Yes: Tinnitus
        • No: No neurological signs
    • Diagnosis
      • Criteria
        • >1 episode that lasts 20 minutes to 12 hours
        • Low-mid frequency SN hearing loss
        • Tinnitus
    • Treatment
      • Avoid triggers (stress, alcohol, caffeine)
      • Low sodium diet
      • Rehabilitation
      • Bed rest
      • Drugs
        • First generation antihistamines
        • Histamine analogues
        • Gentamycin in ear – destroy vestibule
      • Surgery
        • Labyrinthectomy
        • Sacculotomy
        • Vestibular neurectomy‎