Limb amputation

  • Rehabilitation after amputation
    • Aims of rehabilitation
      • Teach the patient how to use prosthesis
      • Improve balance, endurance and strength
        • After amputation the amount of energy necessary for walking increases a lot, so endurance and strength are important
      • Prevents secondary disabilities
        • Contractures, especially flexion contracture
      • Reduces phantom pain
      • Hasten stump conditioning
        • After amputation the stump is oedematous
        • The oedema gradually and naturally shrinks, a process called stump conditioning
        • Stump conditioning must finish before a permanent prosthesis can be designed, otherwise the prosthesis may not fit perfectly, causing problems
    • Components of rehabilitation
      • Strength exercises
      • Balancing exercises
      • Stretching
      • Patient education
        • The patient must learn to take care of the stump and the prosthesis
      • Patient counselling