Leg ulcer

From greek.doctor
  • Etiology
    • Chronic venous disease
    • Peripheral artery disease
    • Neuropathic ulcer
      • Diabetes
    • Decubitus
    • Trauma
    • Infections
    • Dermatoses (SLE, pyoderma gangrenosum)
    • Neoplastic
  • Morphology
    • Venous ulcer
      • Above the ankle
      • Mild pain
        • Pain improves when raising leg
      • Shallow ulcer
    • Arterial ulcer
      • Punched-out well-defined ulcer
      • Pressure points of the legs (malleolus, toes)
      • Severe pain
        • Pain worsens when raising leg
  • Treatment
    • Underlying disease
    • Surgical
      • Irrigation
      • Debridement
        • Removal of dead, damaged or infected tissue
      • Wet dressing
      • Skin grafting
    • Local therapy
      • Wound healing
      • Compression
    • Treating adjacent skin