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- Fluid systems of the labyrinth
- Membranous labyrinth
- Filled with K-rich endolymph
- Contains hair cells
- Divided into vestibule and cochlear duct
- Bony labyrinth
- Contains membranous labyrinth in Na-rich perilymph
- Three cavities
- Scala media (cochlear duct)
- Filled with endolymph
- Basilar membrane forms the floor of it
- Scala vestibuli
- Filled with perilymph
- Above and separated from scala media
- Connected to scala tympani at helicotrema
- Scala tympani
- Filled with perilymph
- Below and separated from scala media
- Runs downward from helicotrema to the round window
- Oval window vibrates -> sound waves transmitted in perilymph in scala vestibuli
- -> sound waves vibrate the vestibular membrane and basilar membrane, thus stimulating hair cells
- -> sound waves travel through helicotrema -> down the scala tympani -> to the round window
- Low frequency waves act at apex of cochlea
- High frequency waves act at base of cochlea
- Toxic lesions of the inner ear
- Etiology
- Endogenous
- Metabolic diseases
- Diabetes mellitus
- Uraemia
- Bacterial toxins
- Exogenous
- Aminoglycosides
- Loop diuretics
- Cytostatic drugs
- Salicylates
- Industrial solvents
- Heavy metals
- Alcohol
- Illegal drugs
- Serous labyrinthitis
- Bacterial toxins from chronic otitis media