Dermatitis herpetiformis

  • In young adults
  • Risk factors
    • Coeliac disease
    • Iodide sensitivity
    • HLA-DR3
    • HLA-DQ2
  • Pathomechanism
    • Tissue transglutaminase and epidermal transglutaminase antibodies
  • Clinical features
    • Chronic, recurrent
    • Tense, grouped, subepidermal vesicles
      • Herpetiform appearance, hence the name
    • Intensely pruritic
    • Bilateral, symmetrical distribution
      • Elbows, knees
    • No mucosal involvement
  • Diagnosis
    • Coeliac antibodies
    • Histology and immunofluorescence
  • Treatment
    • Dapsone
    • Gluten-free diet