Cutaneous lupus erythematosus

  • Chronic discoid lupus erythematosus (CDLE)
    • Epidemiology
      • Most common cutaneous type
      • African American women
    • Clinical features
      • Erythematous scaling plaques
      • -> leaves atrophic scars
      • Ocular and mucosal lesions
      • Affects face, scalp, neck (sun-exposed areas)
      • No systemic symptoms
  • Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (SCLE)
    • Clinical features
      • Persisting diffuse erythema on face or sun-exposed areas
      • Annular or psoriasiform erythematous plaques
      • Morbilliform rash on trunk
      • Affects neck, shoulders, forearms
    • Diagnosis
      • Anti-Ro antibody
  • Drug-induced lupus erythematosus (DILE)
    • Resolves after discontinuation of the drug
    • In elderly
    • May occur years after starting the drug
    • Etiology
      • Sulpha drugs
        • Thiazides
        • Sulfamethoxazole
        • Sulfasalazine
        • Sulfonylurea
      • Methyldopa
      • Isoniazid
        • Especially slow acetylators
      • Phenytoin
    • Clinical features
      • Rash
      • Myalgia
      • Fever
      • Polyarthritis
      • Serositis
    • Diagnosis
      • Anti-histone antibodies
  • Treatment of cutaneous lupus erythematous
    • Hydroxychloroquine
    • Steroids
    • Immunosuppressants
    • Sunscreen