Cervicobrachial syndrome

From greek.doctor

Cervicobrachial syndrome, also called cervicobrachalgia, refers to having neurological symptoms, including pain, in the neck and arm, in the distribution of C5 – C8, most commonly C8. It is usually due to compression of the spinal cord. It is one manifestation of spinal cord disease.


  • Trauma to the back
  • Spondylosis (age-related arthritis of the spine)
  • Spinal disc herniation
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Spinal tumour

It is most common among workers who perform repetitive tasks.

Clinical features

The symptoms include weakness, atrophy, sensory loss, and radicular pain in the neck or upper arm. If C8 is affected, we can see the following symptoms:

  • Sensory symptoms on little finger
  • Motor symptoms of the hand muscles
  • Loss of triceps reflex

Diagnosis and evaluation

Diagnosis is based on clinical symptoms. Imaging may be necessary in case of severe symptoms.


Treatment is only supportive, with physical therapy and NSAIDs. If the symptoms are very severe, steroid injection may be an option.