Category:Pathophysiology 2
Pages in category "Pathophysiology 2"
The following 74 pages are in this category, out of 74 total.
- 1. Disorders of chewing, swallowing and esophagus functions – the gastro-esophageal reflux disease.
- 2. Disorders of gastric filling and emptying
- 3. Vomiting (acute, chronic)
- 4. Pathophysiology of GIT-peptides
- 5. Peptic ulcer. Stress-ulcer in the elderly
- 6. Utilization of nutrients and its disorders. Maldigestions. Age-dependent features of nutrient utilization
- 7. Specific malabsorption syndromes (level or substrate of disorder)
- 8. Complex malabsorption syndromes
- 9. Diarrhoea. Causes, pathophysiological forms, consequences
- 10. Bowel obstruction (ileus)
- 11. Obstipation, subileus, diverticulosis. GIT motility disorders
- 12. Acute pancreatitis. Pathophysiology and consequences
- 13. Pathophysiology of chronic pancreatitis
- 14. Disorders of intermediary metabolism in general liver cell damage
- 15. Jaundice
- 16. Cirrhosis. Causes, mechanisms and consequences. Hepatic cachexia.
- 17. Portal hypertension
- 18. Ascites and hepatorenal syndrome
- 19. Hepatic coma
- 20. Pathophysiology of alcohol effects
- 21. Gastroenterological changes in the elderly
- 22. Energy balance. Influencing factors, pathological changes.
- 23. Physical activity, inactivity, immobilization syndrome. Factors from lifestyle and age
- 24. Hypo- and hypervitaminosis, micronutrients
- 25. Water-soluble vitamins
- 26. Fat-soluble vitamins
- 27. Complete starvation. Occurrence and process.
- 28. Partial starvation, accelerated forms of energetic insufficiency – anorexia nervosa. Refeeding
- 29. Protein deficiency. Protein-calorie malnutrition. Senile sarcopenia
- 30. Central and peripheral factors in the regulation of food intake and body weight. Disorders
- 31. Obesity. Criteria, classification and epidemiology
- 32. Etiology and pathogenesis of obesity
- 33. Consequences of obesity. Therapeutic possibilities
- 34. Metabolic syndrome
- 35. Cold-defense and cold-induced disorders
- 36. Warm-defense and heat-induced disorders
- 37. Heat stroke and malignant hyperthermia
- 38. Pathogenesis of fever
- 39. Fever and sickness-behavior. The biological value of fever
- 40. Hyperglycemia and glucose-tolerance tests. Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus.
- 41. Basic characteristics and forms of diabetes mellitus syndrome
- 42. General pathobiochemistry of diabetes mellitus syndrome
- 43. Etiology and pathogenesis of 1DM
- 44. Etiology and pathogenesis of 2DM
- 45. Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and ketoacidotic coma
- 46. Diabetic hyperosmolar syndrome (HHS) and coma
- 47. Late complications of diabetes mellitus. Diabetic micro- and macro-vascular disorders.
- 48. Pathobiochemistry of the late complications of diabetes mellitus
- 49. Hypoglycemia
- 50. Hypo-, hyper- and dys-proteinemia
- 51. Disturbances of amino acid metabolism
- 52. Disorders of nucleic acid metabolism. Gout
- 53. Pathobiochemistry of LDL-metabolism. Primary and secondary hyperlipoproteinemia
- 54. Atherosclerosis and its cellular and molecular pathophysiology
- 55. Disorders of the hypothalamo-pituitary system. Pituitary insufficiency
- 56. Hyperprolactinemia
- 57. Pathophysiology of growth
- 58. Hyperthyroidism. Specialities in the elderly
- 59. Hypothyroidism. Specialities in the elderly
- 60. Goiters
- 61. Disturbances of the adrenal medulla and the sympathetic system – pheochromocytoma
- 62. Adrenogenital syndrome. Disorders of gonadal hormones
- 63. Adrenal (cortex) insufficiency
- 64. Primary hyperaldosteronism
- 65. Secondary hyperaldosteronism
- 66. Glucocorticoid hyperfunctional states
- 67. Pathophysiological aspects of glucocorticoid therapy
- 68. Parathyroid abnormalities
- 69. Hypocalcemia, hypercalcemia
- 70. Mechanisms and disturbances of bone remodeling. Osteoporosis, osteomalacia
- 71. Disturbances of consciousness, vigilance. Coma. Acute unconsciousness
- 72. Principles of exercise testing (spiro-ergometry). Anaerobic threshold and maximal oxygen
- 73. Basic concepts of gerontology
- 74. Age-related alterations in thermoregulation