Category:Obstetrics and gynaecology 1
Pages in category "Obstetrics and gynaecology 1"
The following 46 pages are in this category, out of 46 total.
- A0. Good-to-know gynaecology stuff which isn’t covered in other topics
- A1. Stages of labour
- A2. Lactation, mastitis
- A3. Classification of abortions, etiology, therapy options
- A4. Forms of cesarean delivery, indications
- A5. Operative vaginal delivery. forceps and vacuum-extraction
- A6. Premature rupture of membranes
- A7. Prolapse of umbilical cord and fetal limb
- A8. Signs and differential diagnosis of pending uterine rupture and placental abruption
- A9. Placental abruption. Pathomechanism, diagnosis, differential-diagnosis
- A10. Placenta praevia
- A11. Maternal obstetrical injuries
- A12. Uterine atony
- A13. Uterine rupture
- A14. DIC, HELLP, amniotic fluid embolism
- A15. Puerperal fever and sepsis
- B1. Diagnosing pregnancy
- B2. Conception, implantation
- B3. Placenta accreta, increta and percreta
- B4. Fetal lie. Assessing fetal lie
- B5. Non-stress test and stress test (+ CTG basics)
- B6. Infectious diseases during pregnancy (hepatitis, HIV, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, Group B Streptococcus)
- B7. Prenatal diagnostics I. (invasive methods)
- B8. Prenatal diagnostics II. (non-invasive methods)
- B9. Fetal monitoring during labor (CTG, fetal blood gas analysis)
- B10. Disturbances of the feto-maternal gas transport during labor
- B11. Obstetrical analgesia and anaesthesia
- B12. Resuscitation of the neonate, the Apgar-score
- B13. Legal regulation of pregnancy interruption, methods and complications
- B14. Diagnosis and pathomechanism of hydramnios and oligohydramnios
- B15. Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)
- B16. The mechanism and the prevention of Rh-isoimmunisation, erythroblastosis fetalis
- B17. Pregnancy induced hypertension and preeclampsia
- B18. Diabetes and pregnancy (screening and management)
- B19. Multifetal gestation, twin delivery
- B20. Cervical incompetence; etiology, diagnosis and therapy
- B21. Threatened preterm delivery; pathomechanism, management
- B22. Intrapartum management of preterm delivery
- B23. Daytime delivery and induced labor
- B24. Overdue and postterm pregnancy
- B25. Abnormalities of the fetal position
- B26. Abnormalities of the fetal engagement
- B27. Fetal rotational anomalies
- B28. Breech presentation, transverse lie
- B29. Vaginal delivery after prior uterine surgery
- B30. Pyelitis in pregnancy