

This article is a stub, meaning that it is unfinished. It will eventually be expanded.

Calcium is an ion in the body.

  • Roles
    • Comprises bone
    • 1 kg in adults
      • 99% in bone
    • Muscle contraction
    • Neurotransmission
    • Membrane transport
    • Enzymes
    • Coagulation
  • 45% free
  • 45% protein bound
  • 10% anion bound
  • Regulation
    • Kidney
    • PTH
      • Decreased calcium stimulates PTH
      • Increased phosphate stimulates PTH
      • Increases Ca2+ reabsorption in tubule
      • Increases phosphate excretion in tubule
      • Increases vitamin D production
      • Increases bone resorption
    • Vitamin D
      • Increases Ca2+ reabsorption in tubule
      • Increases Ca2+ reabsorption in GI tract
      • Decrease phosphate excretion in tubule
      • Increase bone mineralization
    • (Calcitonin)
      • Opposite of PTH
      • Tumor marker