
  • Phases of hair growth
    • Anagen phase – hair growth
    • Catagen phase – transition phase
    • Telogen phase – resting phase
    • Repeat
  • Types of alopecia
    • Diffuse alopecia
      • Androgenetic alopecia
        • Most common cause
        • In androgen-sensitive hair follicles
          • Bitemporal scalp in men
          • Frontal scalp in women
        • Androgens shorten the anagen phase
      • Telogen effluvium
        • Endocrine disorders
        • Drugs
        • Malnutrition
        • Severe stress
    • Circumscribed alopecia
      • Alopecia areata
        • Autoimmune
        • Bacterial infection
        • Stress
      • Syphilitic alopecia
      • Scarring alopecia
        • Trauma
        • Burn
        • Ulcerating skin diseases
  • Treatment
    • Finasteride
    • Minoxidil
    • Hair transplant
    • PUVA
    • Imiquimod
    • Tacrolimus
    • etc.