A8. Examination of nerves IX, X, XI and XII
- Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX)
- Mixed sensory, motor, and parasympathetic
- Motor function is shared with the vagus nerve
- Examination of the gag reflex
- Not routinely examined
- By touching the posterior wall of the pharynx with something
- Examination of taste sensation
- From posterior third of tongue
- Not routinely examined
- Examination of parasympathetic function
- Stimulates parotid gland
- Not routinely examined
- Mixed sensory, motor, and parasympathetic
- Vagus nerve (X)
- Mixed sensory, motor, and parasympathetic
- Examination of motor function
- Pharyngeal muscles
- Ask whether patient has problems swallowing
- Observe the patient swallowing water
- Soft palate and uvula
- Check whether the uvula deviates to one side
- In a palsy the uvula will deviate to the unaffected side
- Check for symmetrical movement of soft palate when patient says “aah”
- Check whether the uvula deviates to one side
- Vocal cords
- Is the patient hoarse?
- Pharyngeal muscles
- Accessory nerve (XI)
- Pure motor
- Trapezius is innervated contralaterally
- Sternocleidomastoid is innervated ipsilaterally
- Examination of trapezius function
- Ask patient to lift their shoulders
- Apply resistance against the movement
- Examination of sternocleidomastoid function
- Ask patient to turn their head
- Apply resistance against the movement
- Pure motor
- Hypoglossal nerve (XII)
- Pure motor
- Examination of tongue muscles
- Ask patient to protrude the tongue
- In case of lesion it will deviate to the affected side
- Examination of tongue trophy
- Look for atrophy and fasciculations on the tongue
- In case of lesion it will be apparent on the affected side
- Examination of tongue spasticity
- Ask patient to rapidly protrude and retract tongue
- Observe for spasticity