A4. Examination of the trigeminal nerve
- Examination of somatosensory function
- Lightly touch the area of each branch of the trigeminal nerve symmetrically with your thumb and index finger
- Ophthalmic nerve – eyes and above
- Maxillary nerve – between eyes and lips
- Mandibular nerve – lips and below
- Examine the pain sensation using something sharp in the same way, comparing both sides
- Lightly touch the area of each branch of the trigeminal nerve symmetrically with your thumb and index finger
- Examination of motor function
- Ask: Do you get tired when chewing?
- Palpate the temporal and masseter muscles while patient opens and closes their mouth
- They should contract and have normal trophy (size)
- Examination of corneal reflex
- Not routinely checked
- Important in comatose patients, Bell’s palsy, patients with sensory loss on face
- Touch the patient’s eye with a cotton tip
- Normally, the patient will blink with both eyes in response
- Not routinely checked
- Examination of masseter reflex
- Ask patient to slightly, not completely, open their mouth
- Place your finger on the patient’s chin and tap your finger with a reflex hammer
- Normally, the jaw closes slightly in response