47. Indications of bone scintigraphy. The significance and indications of 3-phase bone scintigraphy.

From greek.doctor
  • Bone scintigraphy/scan
    • Screening method of choice for
      • Detection of bone metastases
      • Diagnosing fractures which aren’t visible by conventional imaging
    • Advantages
      • Widely available
      • Inexpensive
      • Shows entire skeleton
    • Disadvantages
      • Poor spatial resolution
      • Poor contrast resolution
    • Tc99m-MDP is the most frequently used radiopharmaceutical
      • Injection -> Wait 2 – 4 hours -> Imaging
        • Normal bone scan only has this delayed “phase”
    • Indications
      • Metastasis of bone
      • Primary bone tumor
      • Osteomyelitis
      • Fractures
      • Metabolic bone diseases
        • Hyperparathyroidism
      • Osteonecrosis
  • Three-phase bone scintigraphy
    • A special type of bone scan
      • Produces dynamic images as well as static
    • 3 phases
      • Flow phase = perfusion phase
        • Imaging obtained for 60 seconds after injection
        • Demonstrates the perfusion of a particular area
      • Blood pool phase
        • Imaging obtained 5 minutes after injection
        • Demonstrates the pooling of blood in a particular area
          • Increased in inflammation
      • Delayed phase = bone phase
        • Imaging obtained 2 – 4 hours after injection
        • Demonstrates blood flow and rate of bone formation
    • Indications
      • Osteomyelitis
        • Especially to differentiate osteomyelitis from cellulitis
      • Bone pain
      • Skeletal metastases
      • Arthritis
    • Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA)
      • = Bone densitometry
      • Measures bone density
      • Good for osteoporosis