47. Congestive cardiomyopathy

From greek.doctor

Organ: Heart


The left ventricle is so dilated that it takes up most of the space in the preparation. In the upper right corner is there a mural thrombosis. Inside this thrombosis can the lines of Zahn be seen

Diagnosis: Dilatative (congestive) cardiomyopathy with mural thrombosis


  • Genetic mutation
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Peripartum


In dilatative cardiomyopathy are usually all chambers dilated, however the left ventricle more than the others.

Dilatative cardiomyopathy can have multiple consequences

  1. Turbulent flow -> Thrombus formation -> Embolization
  2. Functional mitral valve regurgitation
  3. Systolic heart failure

Because the left ventricle is so dilated can the mitral valve not close properly, which leaves it open during systole, causing regurgitation. This is despite the fact the mitral valve is completely healthy, which is what makes it a functional regurgitation and not an anatomical one.

Dilative cardiomyopathy prep. The Zahn lines aren’t easily visible on the photo, but they are irl