40. Radioisotope examination of myocardial perfusion (transient and permanent ischaemia, viability). Radioisotope examination of left ventricle pump function and wall motion problems.

From greek.doctor
  • Nuclear medicine studies of heart
    • Rest myocardial perfusion study
      • Can measure impairment of the myocardial perfusion
      • SPECT/CT
      • Indications
        • Myocardial infarction
        • Cardiomyopathy
    • Stress/rest myocardial perfusion study
      • Physical or pharmacological stress is applied
        • Dipyridamol or treadmill
      • SPECT/CT
      • Rest SPECT later the same day or the day after
      • If perfusion in stress > perfusion in rest -> reversible ischaemia
      • If perfusion in stress = perfusion in rest -> necrosis/scar
      • Indications
        • Angina pectoris
        • Coronary artery disease
    • Myocardial viability examination
      • Myocardium can be:
        • Stunned
          • Wall is dysfunctional but perfusion is normal
        • Ischaemic
          • There is decreased perfusion during stress but normal perfusion during rest
          • These patient will benefit from revascularization
        • Hibernating
          • There is decreased perfusion during stress and rest
          • But the myocytes are viable and will benefit from revascularization
        • Infarcted
          • There is no perfusion during stress or rest
          • Myocytes are not viable and will therefore not benefit from revascularization
      • These examinations determine the viability of the myocardium
        • I.e., the possibility for the myocardium to return to normal after revascularization
      • With PET
        • 18F-FDG
      • With SPECT
        • 201Tl-chloride (Thallium-201)
    • Radionuclide ventriculography (RNVG) = multigated analysis (MUGA)
      • Measures ventricular function
      • Coupled to ECG
        • -> Synchronizes image acquisition to R-waves
      • 99mTc-pyrophosphate-RBC
    • First-passage radionuclide angiography
      • 99mTc-DTPA
      • A dynamic series of images as the radiopharmaceutical flows from the right heart to the left heart and out
      • Allows measurement of
        • Wall motion of ventricles
        • Ventricular volumes
        • Ejection fraction
        • Cardiac output