35. Mixed germ cell tumor with teratoma and embryonal carcinoma

From greek.doctor
Overview. Most of the slide is teratoma.

Staining: HE

Organ: Testis


Two tumors are present on the slide.

The teratoma takes up most of the slide. It shows widespread necrosis. Tissues from multiple germ layers are visible, which confirms that it’s a teratoma.

The embryonal carcinoma is in the lower right corner. These tumor cells show severe atypia. Necrosis is visible here as well.

Diagnosis: Mixed germ cell tumor with teratoma and embryonal carcinoma

Risk factors:

  • 20 – 30 year old males


Nothing in particular.

From the circulated area. Cartilage and smooth muscle arise from the mesoderm, while ductal epithelium arise from the endoderm, showing that this is a teratoma.
From the embryonal carcinoma. The tumor cells show severe atypia.