30. Lipids and lipoproteins in the blood plasma

From greek.doctor
Parameter Sample Reference range
Cholesterol Serum 4,0 – 5,6 mM
LDL Serum 0,0 – 3,4 mM
HDL Serum 0,9 – 1,7 mM
  • Analysis of lipids
    • Enzymatic assay
      • Cholesterol
      • HDL, LDL
      • FFA
      • Triglycerides
    • Immunoassay
      • ApoA1
      • ApoB
      • Lp(a)
    • Lipoprotein electrophoresis
    • Ultracentrifugation – sorted after density
  • Cholesterol
    • Component of cell membrane
    • Precursor of steroid hormones and bile acids
  • Triglycerides
    • Energy store
    • Risk factor for CVD, acute pancreatitis
  • HDL
    • Contains mostly protein and phospholipid
    • Transports cholesterol back to liver from peripheral tissues
    • Negative risk factor for CVD
  • LDL
    • Contains mostly cholesterol
    • Transports cholesterol from liver to peripheral tissues
    • Risk factor for CVD
    • Small, dense LDL
      • Greater atherogenic potential than other LDL subtypes
      • Less affinity to LDL receptor
      • Higher endothelial permeability
  • VLDL
    • Contains mostly triglycerides
    • Transports triglycerides from liver to peripheral tissues
  • Lipoprotein(a)
    • LDL-like particle
    • Contains mostly cholesterol
    • Increased level -> increased risk for CVD, atherosclerosis
    • Independent predictor of CVD
    • Recommended to be tested in people with moderate or high risk for CVD
  • Chylomicron
    • Contains mostly triglycerides
    • Transports dietary triglycerides to peripheral tissues and liver
  • Nonfasting lipid panel
    • Measures HDL and total cholesterol
    • Screening every 5 years from around 40 y old, from 20y if high risk
  • Fasting lipid panel
    • Measures HDL, total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL
    • LDL can be calculated: LDL = TC – HDL – (TG/5)
  • Hereditary dyslipidaemias
    • Familial hypercholesterolaemia
      • Mutated LDL receptor
      • High risk for AS and xanthoma
    • Familial combined hyperlipidaemia
      • Decreased LDL receptor
    • Familial hypertriglyceridaemia
      • Can cause pancreatitis
  • Metabolic syndrome
    • Definition: 3 or more of the following:
      • Insulin resistance
      • Hypertension
      • Hypertriglyceridaemia
      • Low HDL
      • Abdominal obesity