3. Main modifiable risk factors of coronary heart disease

From greek.doctor
  • Hypertension
  • Abnormal blood lipids
    • High serum cholesterol
    • High LDL
    • Low HDL
  • Tobacco use
    • Worse risk for women
    • Genetical sensitivity
  • Physical inactivity
    • > 150 minutes /week of moderate intensity
    • Muscle-strengthening activities
  • Obesity
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Diabetes mellitus

Seven countries study

  • First major study to investigate diet and lifestyle as risk factors for CVD
  • 1958
  • Included countries with different cultures and standards

European guidelines for cholesterol

  • Total cholesterol < 5 mM
  • LDL < 3 mM
  • HDL > 1 mM
  • Triglycerides < 1,7 mM
  • US guidelines less strict

Cholesterol content of certain foods

  • Chicken liver 750mg / 100g
  • Egg 500mg / 100g

Olive oil

  • Decreases LDL, TG
  • Decreases BP
  • Inhibits LDL oxidation

Decrease TC and LDL:

  • Reduce dietary saturated fat
  • Reduce dietary trans fat
  • Eat phytosterols
  • Reduce dietary cholesterol

Decrease TG

  • Reduce body weight
  • Reduce alcohol intake
  • Reduce mono and disaccharide intake

Increase HDL

  • Reduce trans fat
  • Increase physical activity
  • Reduce body weight

Metabolic syndrome

  • 3 of the following
    • Abdominal circumference
      • Male > 94
      • Female > 80
    • Hypertension
    • Triglycerides
    • Low HDL
    • High fasting blood glucose