23. Epidemiology and prevention of allergic rhinitis

From greek.doctor
  • Epidemiology
    • Prevalence 10 – 30% of industrialized countries
    • Most frequent disease among children and teens
      • 80% of cases 0 – 20 years
    • Prevalence increasing, especially in urban areas
  • Forms
    • Seasonal – outdoor allergens
      • Pollen
        • Ragweed
        • Grass
        • Tree
      • Mold
        • Fungus
    • Perennial – indoor allergens
      • Pets
      • Dust
      • Mites
      • Molds
  • Etiology
    • Second hand smoke
    • Exposure to allergens
    • Atopy or family history of it
    • Male gender
    • Urbanization
  • Prevention
    • Breastfeeding
    • Elimination, avoiding allergen
      • Avoid dust mites
        • Reduce indoor humidity
        • Wash bed sheets
        • Use bedding encasements
    • Medical treatment