8. Cardiovascular diseases: risk assessment and prevention

From greek.doctor
Revision as of 21:36, 30 November 2022 by Nikolas (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Risk assessment ** SCORE risk estimation system *** Two separate systems for high-risk and low-risk European regions *** Estimates the risk of fatal cardiovascular events in the next 10 years, based on **** Gender **** Age **** Smoking **** Systolic BP **** Total cholesterol *** Very important to learn! *** [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Monica_Tiberi/publication/304574403/figure/fig1/AS:613444923437073@1523268075132/SCORE-chart-10-year-risk-of-fatal-cardiovascu...")
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  • Risk assessment
    • SCORE risk estimation system
    • Framingham risk scoring
      • Not used in Europe, not so important
      • Points for
        • Age
        • total cholesterol
        • HDL
        • Systolic BP
        • Smoking
      • Sum of points gives risk
  • Prevention
    • Primordial – activities which reduce or remove risk factors
      • Improve public transport availability
      • Opportunities for recreational activities
      • Increased socioeconomic development
      • Smoke-free restaurants
    • Primary – reducing the population’s exposure to risk factors
      • Health education programs
      • Anti-smoking campaigns
      • Sports programs
      • Nutritional counselling
    • Secondary – screening
      • Regular check-ups
        • Cholesterol
        • Lipids
        • Glucose
    • Tertiary – prevention of recurrence and treatment of symptomatic patients
      • 5 – 7 x higher risk in those with previous CVD
  • Recommended targets
    • Very high CV risk (SCORE > 10%)
      • LDL < 1,8 mM
    • High risk SCORE > 5%
      • LDL < 2,5 mM
    • Moderate risk
      • LDL < 3,0 mM