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Comments! And suggesting changes??

From greek.doctor

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More By Nikolas

"Next" and "previous page" buttons!
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New.greek.doctor now generates PDFs!
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new.greek.doctor now allows anyone to create a user! By creating a user, you can create and edit "discussion" pages, also called "talk" pages. Here anyone can write comments, questions, suggestions, have arguments, and do whatever. Here is the discussion page for "circulatory shock", for example. Technically, you can remove other people's comments, but if you do I'll find out, revert the removal, and ban you.

Talk pages aren't as simple to use as comments generally are. Here is a detailed page on how to comment properly. You can also comment (normally) under blog posts like this one.

If you create a user, you can also edit pages! However, the changes must be manually approved by me. Users shouldn't have access to anything that can remove or destroy content, but if you find anything worrisome, please tell me. I do have backups in the worst case scenario.

I am not focusing on security here, so please don't use the same password here as for other important accounts, in case I have a data breach. There's no email requirement, so you can be totally anonymous.

I have been missing regular interaction by commenters. Anyone is welcome to join discussions.

Happy studying!

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I am not sure if this is the right place to comment, but I really miss a "next page" button when studying different topics in a subject. Nobody (talk) 01:21, 19 December 2024 (CET)