

This article is a stub, meaning that it is unfinished. It will eventually be expanded.

  • bone
    • 65% minerals (hydroxyapatite)
    • 35% matrix
      • Collagen
      • Osteoblasts
      • Osteoclasts
  • Markers
    • High biological and analytical variability
      • Diurnal variation
      • Seasonal variation
      • Food intake
      • Exercise
    • Made in same lab, collected at same time
  • Markers of bone formation
    • Total alkaline phosphatase
    • Bone specific alkaline phosphatase
    • Osteocalcin – increased in high bone turnover
    • Procollagen propeptides
      • PICP – procollagen type I C-terminal
      • PINP – procollagen type I N-terminal
  • Markers of bone resorption
    • Urine (corrected for creatinine)
      • Deoxypyridinoline (cross-linking collagen cleavage products)
      • N-terminal cross links (NTX) – N-telopeptide of type I collagen
      • C-terminal cross links (CTX) – C-telopeptide of type I collagen
    • Serum
      • TRACP5b – tartate resistant acid phosphatase
    • Serum and urine
      • beta-crosslaps