116. Chemical hazards: Industrial and agricultural toxicology of organic compounds

From greek.doctor
  • POP = persistent organic pollutant
    • = Organic compounds which are resistant to environmental degradation
      • Most are chlorinated
    • Initially contained 12 compounds, nowadays more
      • Originally called the “dirty dozen”
      • DDT, PCBs, aldrin, chlordane, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, hexachlorobenzene, mirex, toxaphene, dioxins, furans
      • Many POPs are pesticides, solvents, drugs, and industrial chemicals
      • DDT is used against malaria mosquitoes
    • Share 4 characteristics
      • Very toxic
      • Persistent in the environment (decay very slowly)
      • Lipophilic (accumulate in fat)
      • Can evaporate and travel long distances
    • These compounds accumulate in the environment and have adverse effects on health and the environment
      • These compounds accumulate through the food chain and eventually end up in our diet
    • Humans are mostly exposed through diet or occupation
    • Health consequences
      • Endocrine dysfunction
      • Reproductive system dysfunction
      • Carcinogenesis
    • 2001 Stockholm convention called for eliminating their production and use