Protein Kinase A pathway

(Redirected from Glucagon pathway)

Protein kinase A (PKA) is the major downstream effector of many hormones, including glucagon, epinephrine, vasopressin, and neurotransmitters. The figure below shows multiple actions of PKA, but note that no single hormone effectuates all these changes. Glucagon and epinephrine mediate most of them. The effect of PKA on Aquaporin 2 and K+-channel is not activated by glucagon or epinephrine, but by vasopressin and neurotransmitters, respectively!

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Abbreviation Name Function
AC Adenylyl Cyclase Activated by glucagon receptor, produces cAMP from ATP.
cAMP Cyclic AMP Activates Protein Kinase A
PKA Protein Kinase A Mediates the effects of mainly glucagon (in liver) and epinephrine (in muscle), but also vasopressin in the kidney and neurotransmitters in the brain
HSL Hormone-sensitive lipase A lipase found in adipocytes. Catalyses DAG -> MAG + FFA
AQP2 Aquaporin 2 A water channel in the kidney used for water reabsorption
ACC Acetyl-CoA carboxylase Catalyses Acetyl-CoA -> Malonyl-CoA, which inhibits β-oxidation
HMG-CoAR HMG-CoA reductase Catalyses the rate-limiting step of cholesterol synthesis