1. Developmental malformations of the face. Inflammatory and tumorous diseases of the oral cavity: Difference between revisions

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Apparently, tuberculosis can leave flat ulcers with soft edges in the oral cavity. More about tuberculosis can be studied in the pathology 1 section.
Apparently, tuberculosis can leave flat ulcers with soft edges in the oral cavity. More about tuberculosis can be studied in the pathology 1 section.

6. Syphilis
=== Syphilis ===
If you ever hear the term “lues”, it’s the old name of syphilis. Syphilis, which is very rare nowadays, exists in four stages. In the primary and secondary syphilis, ulcers and lesions can be seen around the mouth and inside the oral cavity.
If you ever hear the term “lues”, it’s the old name of syphilis. Syphilis, which is very rare nowadays, exists in four stages. In the primary and secondary syphilis, ulcers and lesions can be seen around the mouth and inside the oral cavity.