B15. Sexually transmitted diseases (STD): Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "== Gonorrhoea == Gonorrhoea is caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae. It mostly affects young adults. It may progress to pelvic inflammatory disease. === Clinical features === Women are often asymptomatic (30 – 60%). The incubation time can be days or weeks. Symptoms in women can be: * Dysuria * Yellow, purulent, malodourous discharge * Cervical tenderness and bleeding on physical examination === Diagnosis and evaluation === PCR of a vaginal and endocervical swab is the...")
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== Gonorrhoea ==
== Gonorrhoea ==
Gonorrhoea is caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae. It mostly affects young adults. It may progress to pelvic inflammatory disease.
=== Clinical features ===
Women are often asymptomatic (30 – 60%). The incubation time can be days or weeks.
Symptoms in women can be:
* Dysuria
* Yellow, purulent, malodourous discharge
* Cervical tenderness and bleeding on physical examination
=== Diagnosis and evaluation ===
PCR of a vaginal and endocervical swab is the first choice. Should also be performed of the pharynx if oral sex occurred.
Alternatives include gram staining and culture.
=== Treatment ===
The ideal treatment for gonorrhoea:
* Treats the gonorrhoea
* Treats any coexisting syphilis and chlamydia
* Is single dose
* Covers resistant strains of gonorrhoea (many are resistant to cephalosporins)
There are two treatment options which fulfil these criteria. Either
* Single-dose ceftriaxone IM + single-dose azithromycin PO
* Single-dose cefixime PO + single-dose ciprofloxacin PO
Postgonococcal urethritis can occur due to secondary colonization with mycoplasma and chlamydia. Treatment of this is tetracycline.
=== Complications ===
Disseminated gonococcal infection (arthritis-dermatitis syndrome) is a rare complication of gonorrhoea. It occurs in 2% of cases, mostly in women.
* Intermittent fever
* Migratory arthritis
** Pain spreads from one joint to another
* Skin lesions
** Flea bite-like papules
** Haemorrhagic pustules on palms, soles
Gonococcal conjunctivitis can occur in neonates who are born to mothers with gonorrhoea. It occurs due to direct contact from genitalia to hand to eye. It’s treated by silver nitrate eye drops.

== Chlamydia ==
== Chlamydia ==
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== Syphilis ==
== Syphilis ==
Syphilis is an STD which is sometimes called lues. It’s caused by infection of the spirochete Treponema pallidum. It’s a very rare disease nowadays. Mostly only the primary stage is seen nowadays.
=== Risk factors ===
* Men who have sex with men
* Promiscuity
* Unprotected sex
=== Clinical features ===
Incubation period can last from 10 – 90 days (average 21). Syphilis has 4 characteristic stages
* Primary syphilis
** Characterised by a special lesion called a chancre
** Chancres occur at the site where the bacterium enters the body
** It’s a painless, firm ulcer with indurated borders and a smooth base
** Chancres resolve spontaneously without scarring after 3 – 6 weeks
* Secondary syphilis
** Known as the “great imitator” as its skin symptoms resemble those of many other skin diseases
** Begins 8 – 12 weeks after primary infection
** Lasts 2 – 6 weeks
** Condyloma lata
*** Broad-based, wart-like papular erosions
*** In anogenital region, intertriginous folds, oral mucosa
** Disseminated, polymorphic, symmetric rash
** Mucous patches (White patches on mucous membranes)
** Patchy alopecia
** Necklace of Venus = hypopigmentation around the neck
* Latent syphilis
** The patient is seropositive but there are no symptoms
** Can last months, years or the rest of the patient’s life
** There are four outcomes:
*** The disease resolves and the patient becomes healthy
*** The disease reactivates as secondary syphilis
*** The disease progresses into tertiary syphilis
*** The patient dies before any of these outcomes occur
* Tertiary syphilis
** Occur in approx. 30% of untreated patients in the latent stage
** Gummas (Destructive and ulcerative granulomatous lesions with necrotic centre)
*** Can occur anywhere on or in the body, even on organs and bones
** Nodules
** Psoriasiform granulomatous lesions
** Cardiovascular syphilis
*** Aortitis with resulting aneurysm of the aorta
*** Dilated aortic root
** Neurosyphilis
*** Meningitis
*** Stroke
*** Tabes dorsalis (broad-based sensory ataxia)
*** Dysesthesia
*** General paresis
*** Widespread cerebellar atrophy
*** Dementia
*** Argyll Robertson pupil (Bilateral miosis, pupils don’t react to light)
=== Diagnosis and evaluation ===
A specimen is taken from a lesion. Nontreponemal tests like RPR and VDRL are used for screening. These are sensitive but not specific tests. Treponemal tests are used for confirming the diagnosis. These are highly specific.
Direct visualization of treponema is also possible, and may be useful in the primary stage, when the serological tests below can be negative. The bacteria are visible by darkfield microscopy.
=== Treatment ===
* For prevention, primary, secondary, and early latent syphilis: 2,4 million units of benzathine penicillin G intramuscularly – single dose
* For tertiary (except neurosyphilis) and late latent syphilis: 2,4 million units of benzathine penicillin G IM – once weekly for three weeks
* For neurosyphilis: IV penicillin G for 10 to 14 days
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction may occur, a systemic reaction to bacterial endotoxins. It is usually self-limiting.

== Lymphogranuloma venereum ==
== Lymphogranuloma venereum ==