32. Recommended and compulsory screening methods for non-communicable diseases (excluding cancers)

  • DM2 screening in children
    • Recommended by ADA
    • In those who are overweight for their age and gender, and who have any of the following risk factors
      • Family history
      • Specific ethnicity
      • Signs of insulin resistance
    • Begin at age 10, repeat every 2 years
  • CVD in adults
    • BP, cholesterol, weight, waist, glucose, smoking, physical activity, diet
    • Start at 20
    • Every 2 – 4 years
  • Diabetic eye screening
    • Annually to people with diabetes
  • Osteoporosis
    • Bone mineral density measurement by DEXA
    • In women > 65, or younger if they have risk factors
  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm
    • For men > 65
    • With ultrasound
  • Cognitive impairment
    • No universal recommendation for screening
  • Depression
    • Adults > 18
    • Screening with simple screening questions
  • Antenatal screening
    • Haemoglobinopathies
    • Down syndrome
    • Infectious diseases
      • Syphilis
      • HBV
      • HIV
      • Rubella
  • Newborn screening
    • Hearing loss
    • Metabolic diseases