3. Diseases of the pinna and the external ear canal

  • Auricle (pinna)
    • Elastic cartilage
    • Collects sound waves
    • Diseases
      • Malformations
        • Protruding ears
        • Auricular appendages
        • Congenital auricular fistulas
          • Infections
        • Microtia
        • Anotia
        • Stenosis of ear canal
        • Creased lobule (CAD)
      • Inflammation (often bacterial/viral)
        • Often with otitis externa
        • Acute
          • Herpes zoster oticus
          • Cellulitis, dermatitis
          • Perichondritis
        • Chronic
          • Eczema
      • Trauma
        • Perichondral haematoma (cauliflower ear)
          • Accumulation of blood in perichondrium
        • Frostbite
        • Piercings

  • External ear canal
    • Outer third is cartilage, inner 2/3 is bone
    • Thin keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
    • Contains ceruminous glands -> produce cerumen
    • Diseases
      • Swimming, Q-tip use, scratching
      • Acute
        • Diffuse otitis externa
        • Circumscribed otitis externa
        • Bullous otitis externa
      • Chronic
        • Necrotizing otitis externa (pseudomonas)
        • Eczema
        • Fungal infection (otomycosis)
        • Cholesteatoma
    • Symptoms
      • Otorrhoea
      • Pain
      • Conductive hearing loss