25. Fibrinous pericarditis – cor villosum

Organ: Heart + pericardium


Everywhere on the surface of the pericardium can a thin, network like diffuse material be seen. In some parts it looks like a spider-web.

Diagnosis: Cor villosum = fibrinous pericarditis

Causes (from most to least common):

  • Uraemia
  • Infection
    • Mostly viral infection, mostly from the coxsackie virus
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus
  • Rheumatic fever


Fibrinous pericarditis is a type of fibrinous acute inflammation. The exudate is fibrinous, meaning that it contains fibrin. It should say fibrinous on the pictures as well. Fibrous means "consisting of fibres" and is a term used for another type of tissue.

Cor villosum other side
Cor villosum one side