19. Primary and secondary factors of epidemic process (virulence, source of infection, means of transmission, susceptible host)

Basics of infectious disease

  • Terminology
    • Colonization = an organism is replicating in a host but causes no disease
    • Sporadic case = case not connected to other cases
    • Outbreak = a greater-than-expected number of cases
      • Endemic = high occurence of a disease within a given geographical area or population
        • Example: Malaria is endemic to sub-Saharan Africa
      • Epidemic = outbreak of a disease within a region in a country, or multiple countries
        • COVID-19 while it was yet to spread out from China
      • Pandemic = global disease outbreak
        • COVID-19 after it had spread to the whole world
  • Phases of infectious disease
    • Infection
    • Incubation period
    • Prodromal phase
    • Symptomatic phase
    • Healing/reconvalescence/death
  • Levels of infection
    • Colonization
      • E.g. S. aureus in nasopharynx
    • Subclinical infection
      • Before symptoms occur
      • The disease may be contagious at this stage
    • Latent infection
      • After initial symptoms has occured, but before they recur
      • The disease may be contagious at this stage
      • E.g. Latent stage of herpes simplex virus
    • Manifest (clinical) infection
  • Seasonality of infections
    • = some diseases have increased number of cases regularly in a certain season
    • Influenza in the winter
    • Diphtheria in the autumn
  • Cyclicity of infections
    • = some diseases have increased number of cases regularly at longer intervals
    • Pandemic flu every 30 – 40 years
    • Diphtheria every 12 years

Epidemic process

  • Epidemic process = the process of spreading of infectious diseases among people
  • Characteristics of infectious diseases
    • Caused by infectious agent
    • Has a well-defined incubation period
    • Has an acute course
    • After resolution the immune system has developed immunity
  • Factors of the epidemic process
    • Primary (direct) factors
      • Sources of infection
      • Possible routes of transmission
      • Susceptible human persons
    • Secondary (indirect) factors
      • Natural factors
      • Social factors
  • Primary (direct) factors of epidemic process
    • = Those factors that directly influence the spreading of the disease
    • The source of the infection
      • The reservoir is the habitat in which the infectious agent normally lives, grows and multiplies
        • Can be humans, animals or the environment
        • Anthroponosis = an infectious disease that is transmissible from human to human
        • Zoonosis = An infectious disease that is transmissible from vertebrate animals to humans
      • The reservoir may or may not be the source from which an agent is transferred to the host (it may be reservoir -> environment/animal -> human)
        • Source = the location from which the infectious agent is immediately transmitted to the host (not the same as reservoir)
      • Environmental reservoirs
        • Plants, soil, water
        • Many fungal agents have reservoir in soil
        • Legionella pneumophila has reservoir in stale waters
      • Carriers = a person with inapparent infection who can transmit the infectious agent to others
        • Asymptomatic/healthy carrier
          • = carrier who never experience symptoms themselves
        • Incubatory carrier
          • = carrier who can transmit the agent during the incubation period before the clinical symptoms begin
        • Convalescent carrier
          • = carrier who has recovered from the illness but can still transmit the infectious agent
      • Carriage may be
        • Transient
          • = organism can be transmitted only for a short period of time
        • Intermittent
          • = organism can be transmitted sporadically
        • Chronic
          • = organism can be transmitted for a long time
          • Hepatitis B, salmonella typhi
    • The route of transmission
      • Direct transmission
        • Contact
        • Sexually
        • Transplacental
        • Transplantation
        • Respiratory droplets (> 5µm)
      • Indirect transmission
        • Airborne
          • Droplets (< 5µm)
          • May be suspended in air for a long time and can travel great distances
        • Waterborne
          • Through drinking water, bathwater
          • Water can be contaminated with human/animal discharge, sewage
        • Foodborne
          • Food can be infected by improper handling
          • Microorganisms can multiply in food
        • Soil
        • Personal objects
          • Bed
          • Clothes
          • Door handle
        • Insect-borne (vectors)
          • Mosquitoes, fleas, ticks
          • Infectious agent can be carried on the inside of or outside of the insect
    • The susceptible population
      • Susceptibility
        • = a feature of a person that makes it possible for an infectious agent to cause illness in him
      • Individual susceptibility – depends on the immune system of the individual
      • Population susceptibility – depends on the proportion of susceptible and non-susceptible individuals
  • Secondary (indirect) factors of epidemic process
    • = Those factors that help the spreading of infections and affect the spread and duration of epidemics
    • Living and working environment
    • Weather
    • Nutritional status
    • Social factors
    • Status of health care


  • Infectivity
    • = out of 100 people exposed to a certain infectious agent, how many will be infected?
  • Pathogenicity
    • = out of 100 people exposed to a certain infectious agent, how many will not only be infected but also sick?
    • Measles, varicella – close to 100%
    • Diphtheria – 30%
    • Poliomyelitis – 1%
  • Lethality
    • = out of 100 people who got the disease, how many died?