16. Epidemiology and prevention of prostate and cervix cancer


  • Epidemiology
    • Most common cancer in men
    • Third most common cause of cancer death in men
    • Incidence increased recently
    • A disease of elderly
  • Etiology
    • Old age
    • Ethnicity
      • Black > white
    • Family history
    • Androgen exposure
    • Diet
      • Omega-6 intake
    • Obesity
    • Smoking
    • STD
  • Prognosis
    • Mortality stable
    • 5-year survival: 80%
  • Prevention
    • Prevent obesity
    • Increase omega-3, reduce omega-6
    • Don’t smoke
    • Screening
      • For high-risk people
        • BRCA
        • Black
        • History of prostate cc
      • PSA
      • DRE


  • Epidemiology
    • 4th most common cancer in females
    • 6th most common cause of cancer death in females
    • In 35 – 50 years old
    • Deaths mainly occur in countries without access to screening and vaccines
  • Etiology
    • HPV 95% of cancers
    • Increased number of pregnancies
    • Early start of sexual life
    • Higher number of sexual partners
    • Smoking
    • Obesity
  • Prognosis
    • Screening decreased mortality
    • 5-year survival: 20%
  • Prevention
    • Safe sex
    • No smoking
    • Prevent obesity
    • Vaccination against HPV
    • Screening
      • 21 – 30
        • Pap smear every 3 years
      • 30 – 65
        • Pap smear every 5 years
        • HPV test every 5 years
      • Over 65
        • Not tested
      • Vaccinated women should also be screened
      • High risk screened more often