13. Epidemiology and prevention of lung cancer

  • Epidemiology
    • Second most common cancer for each gender
    • Causes most cancer deaths in both genders
    • Mainly affects elderly
    • Males > females
  • Etiology
    • 90% caused by smoking
      • Half of all smokers in hungary will die as a result of smoking
      • Nicotine
      • PAH
      • N-nitrosamines
    • Non-smoking causes
      • 2nd hand smoke
      • Radon
        • Natural in soil
      • Air pollution
      • Occupation
        • Asbestos exposure
  • Prognosis
    • 5 year-survival 15%
    • Mortality 92%
  • Prevention
    • Beta carotene increases cancer risk
    • Stop smoking
    • Reduce air pollution
    • Prevent occupational exposure