121. New and emerging risks in occupational medicine. Occupational diseases of health care workers and prevention. Occupational accidents.

  • (This topic is slightly different since the 2021 spring topic list. See the top of the page.)
  • New and emerging risks in occupational medicine
    • New and emerging risk = new and increasing risk
    • New risk =
      • Caused by new technology or processes
      • Old issue newly considered to be a risk
    • Increasing risk =
      • The number of hazards leading to the risk is growing
      • The likelihood of exposure to the hazard is increasing
      • The effect of the hazard on health is getting worse
    • As the world of work changes, due to globalization, technical innovation, automation, and ageing, new and emerging risks occur
    • New and emerging physical risks
      • Physical inactivity -> metabolic diseases, musculoskeletal disorders
      • Increased computer and mobile device use
    • New and emerging psychosocial risks
      • Job insecurity
      • Increased physical and emotional demands at work
      • Difficult work-life balance
  • Occupational diseases of health care workers
    • Health care workers are exposed to many sources of infection
      • Collecting and processing biological material
      • Performing invasive procedures
      • Taking care of patients
      • Disinfecting or otherwise touching contaminated equipment
    • Health hazards
      • Infectious diseases
        • Airborne infections (TB, MMR, influenza, etc.)
        • Faecal-oral transmission (salmonella, shigella, E. coli, etc.)
        • Direct contact (HSV, S. aureus, Pseudomonas, etc.)
      • Heavy lifting
      • Long working hours
      • Radiation
      • Noise
    • Prevention
      • Risk assessment and reduction
      • Workers must be informed on risks and trained
      • Regular health surveillance
        • Workers with symptoms should stay home
      • Vaccination
      • Proper hygiene
      • Personal protective equipment (PPE)
        • Gloves
        • Masks
        • Face masks
        • etc.
  • Occupational accidents
    • Safety = working in such a way that health is not jeopardised
    • Most non-fatal and fatal occupational accidents occur on industrial sites, especially construction
    • Many fatal accidents are due to losing control of a machine, tool, or equipment
    • Prevention
      • Proper training and use of machines, tools, equipment
      • Use of protection (helmet, goggles, face shields, protective shoes)