26. Purulent meningitis

Revision as of 12:57, 5 July 2024 by Nikolas (talk | contribs)

Staining: HE

Overview of the slide

Organ: Brain + meninges


Two types of tissue can be seen: eosinophilic brain parenchyme containing neurons and a basophilic exudate surrounding it.

The exudate contains many neutrophils. Some places the exudate “infiltrates” into the parenchyme slightly.

Diagnosis: Purulent meningitis


While there are some places where the exudate appears to infiltrate into the brain parenchyme, it’s actually in the perivascular space and not inside the parenchyme. There is no inflammation of the brain, so no encephalitis. The inflammation is only of the meninges.

Here you can see some places where the pus looks like it’s infiltrating into the parenchyme.
Close-up of the pus. Pus appears to be infiltrating into the parenchyme