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Albumin, more specifically human serum albumin, is a plasma protein whose main function is to transport bioactive molecules and to maintain oncotic pressure. It's a negative acute phase protein. Albumin is the most abundant plasma protein, accounting for 60% of plasma proteins.

Approximately 12 - 24 g of albumin is synthesised in the liver daily, but hepatocytes can more than double their synthetic capacity if needed. The normal serum level is approx 35 - 45 g/L.


Hypoalbuminaemia is characterised by serum albumin < 35 g/L. It's a common finding in hospitalised patients. It may be due to:


Hyperalbuminaemia is usually a sign of dehydration.


Bisalbuminaemia is a harmless disorder where a person has two "peaks" in the albumin fraction on serum electrophoresis, showing that the person produces both normal and a mutated abnormal albumin.