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25. Epidemiology and prevention of ulcer disease
- Epidemiology
- Men > women
- 25 – 60 years
- Duodenal ulcers 4x more common than gastric, more common in younger
- Incidence dropping globally
- Aggressive factors
- HCl
- Pepsin
- Decreased motility
- H. pylori
- 6 – 10x increased risk in H. pylori
- 50% of the world is infected
- Lifetime risk 10% in H. P negatives and 20% in positives
- Protective factors
- Thanks to prostaglandins
- Mucosal blood flow
- Mucin
- Bicarbonate secretion
- Restitution
- Regeneration
- Etiology
- Old age
- Long-term NSAID
- Long-term steroid
- Smoking
- Alcohol
- H. pylori infection
- Stress
- Prevention
- Primary
- Enhancement of protective factors
- Elimination of aggressive factors
- Increased fibre
- Decrease caffeine
- Decrease alcohol
- Prevent smoking
- Secondary – screening
- Urea breath test
- Blood antibody test
- Gastroscopy
- Tertiary – treatment
- PPIs, H2 blockers
- Eradicate H. pylori
- Stop NSAIDs, steroids
- Improve diet
- Stop smoking